
Archive for the ‘Lavender’ Category

With three assignments due in and motivation at an all time low, there was a certain inevitability to the fact that I would end up in the kitchen making something yummy to see me through the tedium.

I’ve been wanting to make a healthier take on lavender biscuits for some time, as it’s a flavour I particularly enjoy, and this is the recipe I came up with using sprouted oat groats, brazil nuts and raw honey. It’s so quick and easy – though you need to be a bit prepared as the oats need about three days sprouting time before hand.

I wanted to make a gooey oreo style cookie with a cream filling and here is what I did.

For the Biscuit Base:
300g sprouted raw oat groats
150g brazil nuts (soaked overnight)
2 bananas
1 tablespoon raw honey
1 tablespoon dried lavender flowers
1 teaspoon ashwagandha powder (optional)
1/2 teaspoon vanilla powder (or a teaspoon of vanilla essence)
Small pinch himalayan crystal salt

To sprout the oats, soak over night, rinse thoroughly then leave to sprout in a specialised tray or a jar with muslin cloth over the top so the air can circulate. Rinse morning and evening with fresh water and strain. Make sure the groats you buy are not heat treated or they wont work.

The Basic Biscuits

Put the oat sprouts and soaked brazils in a food processor and blend until well broken down. Add the bananas, honey, salt and the ashwagandha powder, if you are using it, and process again, stopping and scraping down the sides a few times to ensure it is all evenly mixed. You can easily leave out the ashwagandha, I just added it to give me a little extra stability whilst studying as it’s a lovely calming adaptogenic herb. Transfer to a bowl and mix in the lavender flowers by hand. You should now have a gooey, sticky raw cookie dough that tastes delicious just as it is.

I made these in the dehydrator but if you don’t have one you could bake them in the oven on a low heat for a short time instead. If you do have a dehydrator, spread the mixture thinly on a teflex sheet and dehydrate for 12 hours. Flip the sheets, peel away the teflex and score the mixture into small squares before dehydrating for another 6 hours. Break them into the individual squares when finished.

They are very tasty like this but I wanted something a little more decadent so I decided to add the lavender macadamia cream as an indulgent filling.

Bliss Biscuits

For the Filling:
100g macadamia nuts
1/2 cup strong lavender tea
Tablespoon raw honey
1/2 tsp vanilla powder

Blend all the ingredients together until they form a thick cream. Add the liquid a little at a time, adding a bit more if it’s too thick to blend. You do want it to be pretty thick though so it doesn’t ooze out of the sides of the biscuits.

Layer the cream between two of the biscuit squares and enjoy! If you are planning to keep them longer than a couple of days it’s best to refrigerate the biscuits and the cream separately and assemble as you go along, they’ll last longer this way.

Yummy Macadamia and Lavender Cream Filling

With the cookies made (and eaten!) I have run out of excuses so I best get back to the grind stone!

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